Originally Posted by quailmanman
Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by quailmanman
wow. if you add up all of the benefits, base pay etc. they are 6 figure employees and technically work part time in comparison to other professions.

That is a statement of exceeding ignorance.

enlighten me.

My wife is a teacher. She has to be at work at 7AM. She leaves work at 530PM. Every day. She get two days of her choosing off during the year. A week at Christmas and a week in the Spring. She gets two months off during the summer, but has to spend 1-2 weeks of that in training. Then she spends another week or more of the summer preparing her classroom for the next year. I'm not even going to go into the phone calls at night from parents wanting to know why Johnny didn't make an A on his test even though a glance at his homework folder should tell you the answer. Anyone that thinks teaching is remotely a part-time job is ignorant of all the job entails. If you do the math you will find that teachers, even accounting for Summers and Holidays average working well over 40 hours a week. That is not part time. As for benefits, my wife has been a teacher for 27 or 28 years now and would like to retire, but the cost of the great PEEHIP insurance doesn't allow that. My retiree insurance from the City of Selma is much better and cheaper than PEEHIP.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.