Originally Posted by 3% outdoorsman
Originally Posted by Rutabaga
Originally Posted by kodiak06
Originally Posted by Rutabaga
The hell you say, someone shoots my dog and I am trying my best to kill you.

That be a dumbass move. Go to prison over a dog???

Believe it or not, I think more of my dogs than 99.9 percent of the people I know. I don’t know you, but I would rather you take a slug to the head than either of my dogs. Just being honest.

I'm right there with you my dogs are just like my kids and I like them much more than majority of people now days.there would be hell to pay if someone did something to hurt them

My guess is neither of you have lost a child, so you have no basis for comparison. If you did you would see how utterly insane statements like this are.

If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough.