Lots of discussion here so I will share what little insight/opinion I can since some ask. I own a breeder operation we primarily raise stocker bucks for a large high fence operation I think it’s 1800 acres in one continuous tract maybe divided with a single cross fence. I think most hunting operations now have game breeders license as they generally still have to move deer and have their own breeder operations in most cases. I believe Ricky has both and also sales some stockers. There are a lot of rules and regulations regarding both, one of the major rubs with this is that in Alabama any deer over 1 year of age that dies on a breeders farm must have the head sent in for necropsy at the farmers expense so at the very least that’s an issue since these were killed and the heads taken. As for value I can’t tell you what those two bucks were worth but I can tell you Ricky has some of the largest deer in the state, and best genetics around so they were worth a lot. Not to mention I suspect these were some of the bucks he was breeding with this year but I don’t know that for sure it’s just a guess which means he has to figure out what to use for backups. Either way it was a huge loss, both financially and emotionally as his wife and he both work with their deer daily. Generally, we do not mess with our bucks as much but they are tamer than the does anyways. They are like people some will be more shy than others however if they are bottle fed then they will definitely be more tame. We have doe any daughters can literally hug and pet like dogs and others that you won’t get more than 50 yards from. As for pen size my breeder pens are 150ftx320ft Which is pretty average for breeder pens.

Life is difficult
Science prevails over bulldoodoo and superstition every time