Originally Posted by strikeu
As for value I can’t tell you what those two bucks were worth but I can tell you Ricky has some of the largest deer in the state, and best genetics around so they were worth a lot

ok, lets do market math: 300lb buck (this is BIG) 10 point head mounted cost from amazon...$700 (this is high end) lets round it to $1k

Head weighs 60lbs, remaining carcass 240 lbs. the average meat yield from a deer carcass is 35%. that leaves us with 84 lbs of good meat.

average price of deer meat on the market is about $10 per lb ground and $13 for prime cuts (this ridiculous since deer meat tastes like dried corn shucks) so that means an average price of $11.50 per pound times 84. equals $954 + $1000 (mounted head) the entire deer is worth less than $2000.


I dropped $2000 at the wetumpka casino last month, why is everyone freaking out? you're making out like the guys lost his last penny...he lost $4000 tops, maybe more for the fence....jesus H Christ...it aint that much

The deer are worth whatever someone is willing to pay for them. That's a simple axiom of business. And apparently some people will pay a ton for a deer with very large antlers.

Last edited by metalmuncher; 12/01/19 10:03 PM. Reason: I shouldn't have put it that way.