I can say for a fact small properties can be "managed " for great hunting. No, can't stop the deer from roaming. Some to a lot may get killed around. But 100 acres can provide some outstanding hunting even with pressure from the neighbors. That pressure will even help. Take that 100 acres and find the middle 40 acres. Clear cut. Put about 5 of the 40 acres in food. Let the other 35 acres grow. Any large acorn producers, release them. Do nothing attractive to deer near property lines. Apply little pressure and never hunt when wind is wrong. The outside pressure will help push deer to this during day light hours. They will use the neighbors more at night and less in the day resulting in a few more surviving. Will you see 50 deer a day? NO! Will you see 20 different bucks in a season? PROBABLY NOT! But you will have better hunting and an increased change at a mature buck.

Hunting in Alabama is headed to smaller properties as more and more land is divided. We hunters better learn what it takes to have a quality experience on these small properties.