Made a micro throw and grow plot a few weeks ago and sitting over it this pm. I saw tracks on the plot and a fresh rub. I'm on meat patrol but will shoot a monster if her walks by.
I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore I believe in work, hard work. -George Petrie (1945)
Sitting in my cut over in Coosa Co. It is ridiculously calm out here, I hope my 11 yr old can stay quiet long enuff for them to walk in.havent seen anything in the first hour.
Sitting in my cut over in Coosa Co. It is ridiculously calm out here, I hope my 11 yr old can stay quiet long enuff for them to walk in.havent seen anything in the first hour.
Sat in a lock-on above a ridge overlooking a small flat. Busted my best whitetail to date. An 8 point. Dragging out now. Will post a couple pics. Thought he was a little bigger, but I’m very happy!
Sat in a lock-on above a ridge overlooking a small flat. Busted my best whitetail to date. An 8 point. Dragging out now. Will post a couple pics. Thought he was a little bigger, but I’m very happy!
Got home late after NYE party. Smoked some ribs and pork tenderloin, Suffered my Tigers crap the bed and UA take care of business.Happy New Years to all.
Had a shooter 8 run right by me but held off because I heard something behind him. We have two bucks that are special kind of big in the area and thought well if this guy is running maybe one of them is behind him. It was a damn dog! Disgusted.