They still smell rubber boots sometimes. A few years ago I wore my rubber boots to the stand and a doe and her 2 fawns came right to the trail I came in on and the doe put her nose to my footsteps. She panicked immediately, left the fawns in the timber and went out into the field and followed my trail back toward the truck for a long ways, came back and retraced every single step I made. I veered off the trail to look at something on the way in and she followed that move I made too. I'm 20' high up 8n my stand watching all this go down. Once she got back to the fawns they followed her and they all bolted off across the field wide open as fast as a deer can run. She never snorted or anything, but boy did she bust me.

Now when the farmer makes 2 or more passes on the combine the deer will come out to feed in the freshly picked area while hes still picking. I've seen it.