The only one I knocked off was on Lake Conroe outside a marina. I was following a huge house boat and was in open water when I hit a sub surface tree top. I figured the houseboat had pushed a couple of foot of water out. I had run there many times before.
There is a huge stump in the mouth of a creek up river on Eufaula. When the water is down you can see old props and lower units next to it. One prop still had the drive shaft. I can't remember the name but it's on left going up and is narrow going in and opens up.
The area above Weiss dam, on Neely Henry. It is nothing but sub surface boulders and rock piles. I've seen and heard several destroyed there. What you got?

Thomas Jefferson. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Life is too short to only hunt and fish on weekends!

If being a dumbass was fatal some of you would be on your death bed!