I want my daughter to marry a man with a heart for God. I'd rather she marry a black man who truly has a heart for the Lord than a white man that doesn't know Christ. Because of the ridicule and racism she'd encounter I hope she finds a person of her own race with those qualities but I'm raising her to look at a person's character before all else.
Because of the mistakes I've seen others make, in regards to being adamant about race staying with race, and the results of the hardline stance they've taken, I've chosen never to speak to my daughter about it. I've watched too many girls with fathers who've preached at them about race rebel and date black men exclusively. I'm convinced that's a result of the father's insistence and the daughter's knowing it's the thing that will sting the most when they decide to rebel. So far, my daughter has figured it out on her own and shown good judgement. She's 14 and likes boys just fine but isn't nearly as boy crazy as most girls her age. I believe that's because she's been allowed to make up her own mind about things , in that regard, and we haven't made it a taboo subject. She also understands her boundaries and knows that the trust she has from her mother and I is something she's earned over a lifetime and if she starts making irresponsible choices she loses that trust she's earned.
I believe the best way to insure your daughter's make good choices is to model the things you want her to look for in a man and to lead them in a Godly manner. If you want to insure they rebel, rule with an iron fist and preach at them about race and they'll do exactly opposite of what you want when they get the first chance. Girls with daddy issues are a dime a dozen and there are just as many that got those issues from an overbearing father as there are from absent fathers.