Okay so let's just continue with the culture/mixing train of thought...

Y'all know we have fostered many kids over the past 4+ years. We have adopted and are in the process of adopting more. Most of those kids have been black. As best as I can recall (my memory isn't great) there have been 9 white, 2 Hispanic and 13 black. We have had kids anywhere from a few weeks to over two years. They were/are very much a part of my family and I am fiercely protective of each of them. My biological kids consider them brothers and sisters. Should my wife and I just take in only the pearly white ones and shut the door because (***GASP***) some are darker than others? I mean hell we can't clash cultures because, well, I don't know exactly...I have yet to see a logical reason why not...In my eyes they are children of God and have not done a daggum thing to live in the horrific situations from which they've been rescued. Or is fostering okay but when someone reaches sexual maturity they need to be kicked back over the tracks to their own kind?

I'm sorry (I'm not sorry) but this fires me up just a bit.