To say God was mad at them is an understatement...he gave Miriam Leprosy over her disapproval.
It's always amazing to me when people [incorrectly] use the Bible to defend/support some opinion or action because they "thought they remembered it said something about...." [insert topic], when if you actually read what the Bible says, it's the exact opposite, as is the case here.
If you're against interracial marriage, then whatever - that's your opinion to which you're entitled.......but claiming the Bible supports that stance is laughable.
does the bible support slavery?
also the "in gods image" Does that mean god resembled a cave man?
Just a couple of things from the bible I've been wondering about lately.
The Bible is a perfect instruction book for us to use in an imperfect world. I find no where in it that we are encouraged to take slaves, but it does address how to treat them if you have them. It also addresses lots of other situations that we may or may not run into over our lives and gives us instruction on how we should handle them.
To the point of the post, the issue is not the color of skin. As said my many here, it is an understanding each person has as to what each race represents. You may have issues with a race because of their culture, ethnic practices, or beliefs.
My call in this life is not to look at people and find flaws, but to love everyone equally and show them the love of Christ.
I am glad Jesus was not a particular on accepting me as some of you are about accepting other people.