According to "science" (which I think we can all agree seems to take any and every opportunity to eschew Christianity), there is less than 2% genetic difference in all people groups on earth, over the entire course of human existence. Now I would say that's in lockstep with a worldview of one Creator, making all humans in His image, thus soundly and finally destroying the ignorant notions of supremacy. You are 98+% identical to every human in history. Further, what we have today is a post-modern society, honestly we're beyond racism (as a systematic reason for discrimination). We do not have a race war today, we have a culture war. I don't cling to any discriminatory views of men based on superficial matters, but you're being naive and intentionally obtuse if you deny cultural differences within the ethnicities. I made some assertions in another post a few days ago (about political views) that certain cultural ideals are prosperous and healthy, while others are destructive, and for any number of reasons black culture is way over on the destructive side of the ledger. I wish they weren't, but I don't know how it changes. (I also wish white culture didn't contain some of the crap it does, but I don't know how to change it either) There is NO SUCH THING as "white privilege", but our idiot politicians don't know enough about human sciences to call BS on those false narratives. Americans (actually humanity in general) don't have an appetite for blunt realities, no appetite for having their opinions explained away. The reality is black culture fosters, even promotes, a tremendous amount of cultural ideals that are counter to white culture. Before you jump, this isn't my fancy way of lumping all races into stereotypes, and shrouding my bigotry (that's how this modern society would twist my words). So if my daughters came home with black men, my deepest fear would be her co-opting the cultural ideals that are harmful. Again, just being blunt, don't pretend you don't say stuff like "he's not a normal black guy" (they'll always say "he's a good Christian guy", or "he acts just like white folks"). You know why folks say that?? Because it's true, it's not "racism". Yes, I'd WAAAAYY rather my daughter come home with a handsome and wholesome black gentleman, than some abusive trashy white piece of dogshux. But the reality is most white girls who come home with the black guy, ain't coming home with Carlton from Fresh Prince, they're coming home with a hood brutha who's just wantin' to bone the white chick and leave her a single mom that the rest of the town whispers about. This is not about some deep-seeded hatred or bigotry, again I am 98+% identical to the hood brutha, we share the same Original Bloodline, rather it's just my observation of reality.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.