Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
Originally Posted by jmudler
Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
isn't our genetic make up 99% the same as chimps as well?

Of course not, chimps are not white. you need to read the book of Genesis. No we are not. You ever seen a man with a tail?

humans have tails or remnants of tails, sorta like appendixes. We had them many years ago, but we evolved.

laugh Actually not true. The whole "vestigal tail" thing was debunked long ago (yet oddly is still in government boot camp, er I mean public school, textbooks)

You know, when you have the same Creator making all of it, it's logical for the makeup to be very common. Incidentally, there is no proof of evolution, it's a theory.... just an idea, not even a dumb idea, but still just a theoretical guess. But it's taught by the government indoctrination camp (public schools) as if it's science. Science must be observable and repeatable and explainable. Evolution is none of those. Variation has always been observed, and that's where the 2% difference comes in. The one thing that has never been observed, nor evidence ever found of, is one species changing to another species. That's religion, not science.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.