I have no clue, honestly. There's really not any way for someone to prove it one way or the other so it isn't of any significance in my life. I feel as though science and Genesis may both be right. I was just pointing out that ikillbux said there was only 2% genetic difference in humans yet there was only 1% genetic difference between us and chimps.
You're not pointing out a 1% difference. You stated that humans now had tails and have remnants of them, "but we evolved."
I guess you believe in evolution.
try to follow along, i said we are 99% the same as chimps
jmudler said that was incorrect because we didnt have tails.
i said we had tails at one time (vestigial tail) and vestigial organs (appendix)
I don't think the tail is what makes the 1% difference between humans and chimps. As far as evolution goes I'm pretty sure things do evolve, take this thread for instance. As far as where humans came from, I have no clue and neither do you. But humans of today aren't the same as the first humans, which is what originally made me question the "in his image" question.