Originally Posted by BPI
Originally Posted by jaredhunts
Using religion to shame people into white guilt The methodists are accepting homosexuality. Allowing homosexual marriage and preachers within its doors.

People don't get choose their race as some choose their sexual preference.

Revelation 7 tells us about what Heaven will be like in verse 9

"After this I looked , and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, FROM EVERY NATION, FROM ALL TRIBES AND PEOPLES AND LANGUAGES, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands".

If people have a hard time with other races ( not cultures ) then they are going to have a hard time in heaven. God created races, and in that He gets the glory from it. It's His creation that He made in His image. ALL people are important to God.

I heard a pastor trying to make this point ( because in OUR culture people tend to discriminate based off of race, not culture and if you doubt it, read this thread ). ... What exactly did you ( speaking to the 99% white congregation ) have to do with being born into the race that you are ? Zero. So why take pride in it ? I didn't have nothing to do with being born with my skin color, so why should I boast about it ?

Excellent points, all around.

" I do view Jim Waltz as a really good Presidential candidate"