Originally Posted by jlbuc10
Originally Posted by turkey247
Originally Posted by AUwrestler
Been watching pinhoti project alot and these guys do a lot more than just hear a gobble move straight in sit down and call. They always look at map to find terrain and the higher ground they expect turkey to take. Almost like setting up for a buck based on wind. But they actively walk down call to make the turkey walk in front of their set up. I want to hear from the turkey gurus about using calls and terrain to make a Tom walk in front of you in a place more killable.

Is there any other way.

I thought the same. I always put a plan together before I go after them.

This, I haven't watched the videos but I thought that is just how turkey hunting was. Difference between me and my best turkey buddy is that I like to lead that turkey to the spot with my calling. He likes to get to the spot prior to calling using locators or waiting for the bird to gobble on his own. Both ways can be successful but mine can be more fun.

I don't get bent out of shape over the use of Tom. (Tom, longbeard, gobbler, SOB, and fatherless child can be used...I don't care)