Greyhound has announced that they will no longer allow ICE to check their buses for illegals or make arrests. They claim it is public safety. In other words their buses are now Sanctuary Buses. I call BS on it being for safety. These liberals need to be knocked off their pedestals. Trump 2020 Make America SANE again !
Thomas Jefferson. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Life is too short to only hunt and fish on weekends!
If being a dumbass was fatal some of you would be on your death bed!
Re: Call for Greyhound bus Boycott !
[Re: perchjerker]
#3050122 02/23/2005:53 AM02/23/2005:53 AM
I've been boycotting Greyhound bus lines my entire life.
No kidding. Stuck on a bus for X number of hours with strangers would be misery. It was bad enough in High School on baseball trips with a bunch of guys I had known for years. If I needed to fart, no problem. I'd hate to fart around some strange woman, or worse yet, a strange woman fart around me.
Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.
Re: Call for Greyhound bus Boycott !
[Re: perchjerker]
#3050140 02/23/2006:47 AM02/23/2006:47 AM
When we lived in Panama City and daddy would be gone for weeks with work we would ride the Greyhound to nawlins and stay with family. This song always reminds of those trips. I was just a kid and absolutely hated it. The bus was always full of hippies that smelled like weed, piss and sweat. I also think it was the reason I played my best football at away games because I was good and mad from the bus ride there.
Proud Army and ALNG veteran God Bless America!
Re: Call for Greyhound bus Boycott !
[Re: perchjerker]
#3050165 02/23/2007:36 AM02/23/2007:36 AM
Last time I was on a greyhound bus was prolly 1980. I was put on it and shipped to spend a week at my grandfathers house in Mississippi. Ofcourse back then, things were safer and better.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster