Originally Posted by 1955Retiree
Y'all read this. Very interesting. In my opinion it sums up the cull myth.


That half baked "study" was thoroughly discussed and analyzed here when it came out many years ago.

It was only a very small cursory look at the SOOS phenomenah, was not any kind of thorough comprehensive and scientific study whatsoever, and it was completely INCONCLUSIVE. As a matter of fact the cursory short "study" did not find any explanations for about 50% of the FEW SOOS antlers they looked at.

The "study" was more social politics then anything.


Bottom line is that if hunters can high grade a deer herd and mess it up by doing so, ipso facto, hunters can low grade a deer herd and improve a deer herd. That is what animal husbandry has been doing with farm animals for 10,000 years.

I would recommend that all hunters everywhere kill all SOOS on sight, and also low grade kill all their crap 2s and 3s.
Let all your best 2s and 3s walk and let them get to full maturity.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter