a few years ago, my uncle Shorty passed away; i was there with him in his last few minutes on earth, and as i was going home, my cousin called & told me he had passed away peacefully ... uncle Shorty was an avid deer hunter - that part i knew - but what i didn't know is that he turkey hunted in his younger years ... i was a pallbearer at his funeral -- and some time afterwards, my cousin called me at work & said, "hey, drop by on your way home; Daddy wanted me to give you something" ... what uncle Shorty left me was his one & only turkey call - an old Lynch box call (I believe it's a Foolproof) ... it's got eye hooks on the paddle & on the sides of it ...

i've got it proudly on display in my bedroom, along with a few other turkey memorabilia ... but the thought struck me this past weekend to try & get it tuned up & to actually use & take a gobbler with it this coming spring season ... well, that's where the problem comes in -- it sounds "Ok" on one side of it, and sounds like a rooster dying on the other side ... i've done my normal, non-invasive tricks to tune up a box -- but it still doesn't sound that good ...

i know these calls can be deadly so - my Q is: how the heck do i get this thing sounding good & humming like new? anybody know of a website/YouTube video where somebody "restores" one to full glory?

it would be much appreciated any help somebody could pass along; my uncle & i were fairly close, and it would mean a whole lot to me to take a bird with "his" call ... something i don't believe he actually ever did, in fact ...


Last edited by BamaGuitarDude; 03/10/20 09:19 AM.

ALDeer physics: for every opinion, there's an equal & opposite opinion

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.