Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by JBL
Ive said this before and I'll say it again. I would rather get the virus than go through the hysteria and pandemonium I have dealt with at work already, much less including what I will deal with for the upcoming weeks. The stress from dealing with panicked people, people that dont know how to handle it, the hoops I've had to jump through, the unbelievable urgency and pressure I've had to work under, etc.. has already taken more time off my lifespan than any virus ever could.

Brad, you can't reason with people who believe the apocalypse is now. I'm all for smart, common sense measures, and our testing needs to become more widespread, like South Korea, but 13% of the country believe they have the virus , right now. That's an indictment on the mental health of many in this nation. I'm finding out that people will believe anything if it's negative enough but their guard goes up the second you give them any(proven) positive information. There is a segment that won't listen to reason and don't care if the cure is worse than the disease.

I agree 110% with all that