Not many around, probably. I've worked on anything from my home appliances, restaurant equipment, any HVAC unit known to a common man all the way up to centrifugal chillers 2000+tons.
Depending on what it is I may could give an educated guess. Some smart guys on the forum, though, someone will steer you in a right direction.
The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.
I have Frigidaire side by side with the freezer in bottom. The ice maker isn't making enough ice. Supposed to do 3 to 4 lbs in 24 hrs and cycle every 70 to 90 min. Mine isn't cycling in that 70 to 90 min range. I've made about 2lbs since Monday. New water filter,water line isn't kinked,frig and freezer temps good -4* and 34*. I ran diagnostics there the display no errors. What tells it to cycle? Frigidaire tech support couldn't tell and told me I need to call a repair man.
Originally Posted By: Johntravis89 Mine was free range in the big pen
Any water pressure issues anywhere else in the house? And I'm guessing it was making ice fine before so you have the proper water line size?
No water pressure issues. Was working fine quit making ice Saturday completely. The few things I've done have gotten it to make a little ice. I can reach in and feel frozen ice in the tray when I get in from work. Go back 90 min later and it still and hasn't dump yet.
Originally Posted By: Johntravis89 Mine was free range in the big pen
I also have a frigidaire but my freezer is on the left side. I had a similar issue a while back and it happened after I replaced the water filter. There is a small tube on mine and its a black tube about the size of a straw. It is behind the icemaker and sometimes it can freeze some which limits the water supply. You can take the icemaker out and try to pour warm water over it. Your freezer might be too cold if its -4. I turned up my temp but its still 15 in the freezer. I just used my hand to warm up the black tube and mine has been full ever since I did both of those things. Give it a try.
The only other thing I can think of happened to me in an older whirlpool fridge and the little rotating arm that the ice grows on and then rotates to dispense it into the bucket had broken and needed to be replaced. Unfortunately, I don't know what the cost to repair was because we sold the house. Sorry for the bad description, not sure of part names.
I have one (Mines a Whirlpool) with the ice maker in the bottom and it can't keep up with us 4. There's days on a few of us will use it, and it still struggles to keep up....
Do not regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many!
It may have a mechanical timer sticking. I recently replaced my ice maker assembly in my Freezer because of a broken/sticking timer. It sounds a lot like the issue you may be having. Do you know the model number of the ice maker or Fridge?
The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.
There's an arm that usually protrudes into the ice bin and can be moved up and down with the ice levels in the bin. That arm triggers a micro switch that will initiate to make or not to make ice. Could have an issue there.
Either way, If its the same ice maker that is in most of the residential freezers, The whole assembly can be replaced relatively easy verses any time consuming or expensive repair.
The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.
There's an arm that usually protrudes into the ice bin and can be moved up and down with the ice levels in the bin. That arm triggers a micro switch that will initiate to make or not to make ice. Could have an issue there. Either way, If its the same ice maker that is in most of the residential freezers, The whole assembly can be replaced relatively easy verses any time consuming or expensive repair.
fghf2366pf3 I've check the arm. Mines is different from one's I've messed with in the passed.
Originally Posted by Sandmtnslayer
Originally Posted by Darrylcom
Maybe a internal water line supplying the ice maker is froze or partially frozen? Happens to mine in basement because it doesn’t get used much.
Probably have a winner
i will check that. I'm getting full size cubes. I figured if it was a supply issue I wouldn't get full cubes or the tray wouldn't be full.
Originally Posted by bald347
I also have a frigidaire but my freezer is on the left side. I had a similar issue a while back and it happened after I replaced the water filter. There is a small tube on mine and its a black tube about the size of a straw. It is behind the icemaker and sometimes it can freeze some which limits the water supply. You can take the icemaker out and try to pour warm water over it. Your freezer might be too cold if its -4. I turned up my temp but its still 15 in the freezer. I just used my hand to warm up the black tube and mine has been full ever since I did both of those things. Give it a try.
it's been that temp since we have had it. I went back to factory temp which is 0 and it didn't help.
Originally Posted By: Johntravis89 Mine was free range in the big pen
I don't see how it could check the temperature of the ice, but maybe its a new design. The ice makers iam familiar with have the timer built into the motor located behind the white cover. but l would try defrosting the freezer first maybe even blow a hair dryer all aroud the ice maker and ice maker motor. and check your door seal to make sure its not bringing in moisture.
I don't see how it could check the temperature of the ice, but maybe its a new design. The ice makers iam familiar with have the timer built into the motor located behind the white cover. but l would try defrosting the freezer first maybe even blow a hair dryer all aroud the ice maker and ice maker motor. and check your door seal to make sure its not bringing in moisture.
That's the stay I'm used to. Behind my cover is gears and a circuit board. You cant rotate the gears to make it cycle.There is zero is build up in there. I've have torn it all the way down.
Originally Posted By: Johntravis89 Mine was free range in the big pen
May not be the same, but the ice maker on our old refrigerator use to do the same thing. If it's the same problem as ours, there are several holes in the circuit board. You can "short" it out by making a "jumper wire"...strip the insulation off the ends of a piece of wire (I used a short piece of romex) and bending it in a U shape and sticking the stripped ends in 2 of the holes (on ours it was the holes marked T and H). When the wires make contact with the internal conductors on the circuit board, it will cause the ice maker to cycle. Do a yahoo or google search for the brand and model refrigerator and add will not dump ice..."Frigidaire xxxxxxxxx refrigerator will not dump ice"
May not be the same, but the ice maker on our old refrigerator use to do the same thing. If it's the same problem as ours, there are several holes in the circuit board. You can "short" it out by making a "jumper wire"...strip the insulation off the ends of a piece of wire (I used a short piece of romex) and bending it in a U shape and sticking the stripped ends in 2 of the holes (on ours it was the holes marked T and H). When the wires make contact with the internal conductors on the circuit board, it will cause the ice maker to cycle. Do a yahoo or google search for the brand and model refrigerator and add will not dump ice..."Frigidaire xxxxxxxxx refrigerator will not dump ice"
Thanks. I already done that. I can go through my display in a diagnostic mode and cycle everything. I’m just going to deal with it for now.
Originally Posted By: Johntravis89 Mine was free range in the big pen