Originally Posted by jb20
Originally Posted by TickaTicka
86% don't have symptoms. So yeah, you probably have it and have exposed others.

I thought this also until I realized that certain hospitals in the hot spots r having trouble with upkeep...your a smart guy think about it


If you don't believe this, I understand. But look at the cases from the diamond princess. All people on board were tested and 50% of those positive had zero symptoms. That was a weird population though, cause the average age was nearly 60 years old, whereas the average population of the US is 38 years old.

Look, I actually don't know what the percentage of asymptomatic is, but it's high and it's a really important population. "Herd" immunity is needed for any seasonal outbreak, but we closed down schools and limited any congregation. Schools are our biggest source of herd immunity. This isn't complicated stuff. Anyone who has a child realizes that kids in school pass around infectious disease like wildfire and because of that, the population is protected from those diseases. I get it, we can't have kiddos bringing home something that looks like it might kill grandma Betty, but at the same time the global population is significantly harmed by not having those kids congregated with their running noses and dirty locker handles.

Last edited by TickaTicka; 04/02/20 09:45 PM.

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