May not be the same, but the ice maker on our old refrigerator use to do the same thing. If it's the same problem as ours, there are several holes in the circuit board. You can "short" it out by making a "jumper wire"...strip the insulation off the ends of a piece of wire (I used a short piece of romex) and bending it in a U shape and sticking the stripped ends in 2 of the holes (on ours it was the holes marked T and H). When the wires make contact with the internal conductors on the circuit board, it will cause the ice maker to cycle. Do a yahoo or google search for the brand and model refrigerator and add will not dump ice..."Frigidaire xxxxxxxxx refrigerator will not dump ice"
Thanks. I already done that. I can go through my display in a diagnostic mode and cycle everything. I’m just going to deal with it for now.
Originally Posted By: Johntravis89 Mine was free range in the big pen