Originally Posted by Southwood7

Originally Posted by bama1971
I’ve had the same bird roost in a total of 3 trees, all within 50 yards of each other 15 of my 17 hunts this year. He died this morning

Some don’t travel.

Just playing devil’s advocate here but how do you know for certain it’s the same gobbler and not different gobblers rotating through?

I’m no pro by all means but if you have hunted a location many times and have a little head sense you can tell by the gobble to an extent of its the
same bird... I know some will say they all sound alike but to my experience you can tell the difference if he’s got under your skin more than once..
I hunt a bird every 5 days and he’s within 100-150 yds of same roost of an evening and in the same hay field every day... he’s beat me for 2 years
But he stays there.... far fetched maybe so but I’ll agree with some don’t travel... and I’m positive some do..