The ultimate COVID insult to our Oregon way of life: Oregon has waived the requirement that attendants pump your gas. So, for all the young who have never pumped their own, a PSA tutorial.
Please feel free to share your most troubling challenges in these strange times, just don't get heavy with stuff we are all doing, like fearing for our lives, our country, and our economy.
There's still one station here that pumps it for you and on top of that, they only sell 100% gasoline, plus on road diesel.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
How many remember when all gas was pumped by attendants, they washed the windshield and checked the oil. i think it was convenience stores that ended that.
Thomas Jefferson. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Life is too short to only hunt and fish on weekends!
If being a dumbass was fatal some of you would be on your death bed!
How many remember when all gas was pumped by attendants, they washed the windshield and checked the oil. i think it was convenience stores that ended that.
They can still be found occasionally. From what I've seen, they're either in small rural towns or really wealthy towns.
How many remember when all gas was pumped by attendants, they washed the windshield and checked the oil. i think it was convenience stores that ended that.
They can still be found occasionally. From what I've seen, they're either in small rural towns or really wealthy towns.
How many remember when all gas was pumped by attendants, they washed the windshield and checked the oil. i think it was convenience stores that ended that.
They can still be found occasionally. From what I've seen, they're either in small rural towns or really wealthy towns.
Mountain Brook
There is only one I know of in Mountain Brook, Crestline Shell. They have both self serve and full service.
In Oregon, it’s an environmental thing. They have nozzles that capture the fumes, and don’t trust the average Joe to know how to use them. They used to have some other strange to us rules. Like if you were doing work beside the road, you had to hire a qualified flag man to help with traffic.
One of my early jobs was pumping gas at the Citgo on the corner of Crosshaven Drive and Green Valley Road in Cahaba Heights. I had a uniform shirt, I pumped the gas, washed the windshield, checked the oil and I would also check the tires if asked. I usually got pretty decent tips from older ladies too. I think I was 14 or 15.
Had it happen to me in Macinaw Michigan last year, I got out to pump gas and this guy was standing there saying he would do that. No sir, I've got this. I'll pump it for you. I've got it, thanks young man. No, it's my job. I had no idea, I mean I saw him come out of the store, I notice things, but I had no idea what he was doing. It was kind of nice to get to go to the bathroom first rather than holding it while pumping gas. Older bladder can be a problem on long trips.
“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” Napoleon Hill The most difficult thing to understand during conversation is silence. Thoreau