Originally Posted by top cat
Dang. They could have studied together and both had the same wrong info on the question.

Statistics class and that's exactly what they did. They showed their work as usual. Both worked it wrong and both got the wrong answer. Work was the same, outcome was the same. The roommate didn't cheat off my daughter, nor the other way around. They're both straight A students, who sit at the front of the class and according to my daughter both ask lots of questions, and few others do. You know the kind of students that you'd profile as being cheaters.... The smart kids, who sit in front and ask all the questions..

And it was an online test. My daughter was at our house and her roommate was at her parents house when this alleged cheating took place.

I'm so mad I can't see straight. My daughter had a call the professor today at 2:00 to be informed that she (the Prof) "couldn't prove that they weren't cheating, and she had to turn it in." That's the stupidest crap for an answer I've ever heard. Young female professor who used the word "like" a lot during the call. Like, you know, like.

Last edited by FurFlyin; 04/26/20 05:06 PM.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14