He is a little sophomoric dick and has never deserved the attention he has ever gotten. His success is directly proportionate to the idiocy of the fandom. I have listened to him and his callers on occasion and I honestly believe my I.Q. dropped several points each time.

Pretty much sums up my opinion of him as well. He has never done anything with his show except portray Alabamians as toothless, inbred, goobers who are hammered drunk in the middle of the day. And yet for some reason people here tongue his ass and shower him with fame and money for it. I haven't heard a word come out of his mouth in many years and I consider my life the better for it.

Last edited by Todd1700; 06/17/20 10:51 PM.

The best index to a person’s character is (a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can’t fight back.
- Abigail van Buren