All our banter aside, there’s only incomplete explanations here, I guess...I’ll try to go more in depth, but I usually don’t, as I don’t like to assume or insult others’ intelligence....but I don’t mind bantering with others over it, either. Even if you’re P.O. Ackley, everyone on a gun board knows more than you. wink

You could shoot any of them at that range, but optimum wound channel, blood trails, instant effect, etc (for deer, which mfgs consider on the lighter/smaller end of big game use) will come within the higher range of the velocity window for a mono bullet. This is also the case with a cup and core bullet, to a point. C&C bullets can have too much impact velocity to stay together, whereas monos are very hard to drive too fast.
....with your limitations being 300 or so, the 130s (and 150s) will be some serious medicine for deer. Not that the heavier, higher BC bullets won’t, but your launch/impact velocities under 300 are going to be a good bit slower in a 308, with really long bullets. If you were shooting stuff past 3-400, regularly, they’re gonna start outperforming the lighter bullets pretty quickly. Violence of expansion may be harder to come by with the heavies in the 308, but just depends on the bullet.....which is why it could get you more on deer by going to a accubond LR, Sierra PH tipped, ELDX, or even ELDM cup and core for a heavy/high BC bullet to use on deer at 0-300 (and way past), vs a mono. OTOH, they’re all gonna kill deer in a 308, period. It’s just up to how you want it done. I don’t feel much need to use monos in a 308 for deer around here. Any good 150-165 C&C at modest 308 speeds does it as good as anything else, from under the stand to medium range. ELD-Ms are surprisingly effective for a softer C&C intended as a match bullet, at 308 (and 6.5) velocities, which start out slower than your mag/3k FPS stuff, and they hold together for full penetration, but expand violently, too. I probably wouldn’t use them for Texas heart shots or shooting shoulders all the time, due to meet loss, but nothing moves much at all after. JME

I have some of the old Barnes TSX 150gr 30-30 bullets with a huge HP, and their BC is terrible.....but for a woods load, inside 200, at 30-30 through mild 308 velocities, they act like a lightning strike on stuff.....but so can plenty of C&C bullets, and they just aren’t ‘needed’ in a 30-30, much less a 308.....but they sure are fun. The old PMC Starfires were similar in 30-30: DRT violent.

Last edited by ALMODUX; 06/21/20 08:51 AM.