Seems you just don’t want to be truthful, didn’t comprehend what’s actually typed, or chose not to even read it to begin with?

I can help:

Originally Posted by ALMODUX
For just deer in a 308, a TTSX over 150 is more bullet than you need, and velocity is your friend with a TTSX. Thought about the 130gr TTSX? I prefer regular cup and core for anything over 223 or so, for deer or hogs. Going bigger? Sure. Your bullet gets more help being violent on big stuff, and penetration is harder to come by. Just my opinions. There’s just not gonna be much difference in some of the stuff you already use, unless you go heavy and slow it down and decrease expansion too much on deer.

I’m guessing you didn’t actually look at the BC of the lighter copper bullets that are the same length as the non-mono bullets (weighing more), and the actual down range ballistics and compared them to actual hunting under 400 yards vs shooting stuff at 1k, etc?

Otherwise, you’d understand that a 130ttsx has a bc equal to or exceeding many common 150gr cup and core bullets, and can be driven faster, which equals flatter, more retained energy, penetration, etc.

You probably didn’t know that the expansion thresholds are 1500-1800fps, depending on weight for what has been discussed here, AND that ‘liking’ speed can be a good thing, vs speed often being detrimental to a cup and core.

Maybe you’ve never heard of Berger bullets?

...but I’m just guessing. wink


Yep, you missed the wink.

Logical fallacy: presuming something occurred or is factual, that there is no evidence for, then proceeding as if there is.

I doubt you have any ‘secrets’ I haven’t probably already forgot. Stick to the OP’s subject here, and it’ll work out better. Stay off the absolutes, and focus on what is actually stated, not what isn’t. You’re just making presumptions about things with what someone might know or have done with firearms, loading, professional gun work, military/civilian, over the last 35 years, but have at it.

Why you’d just assume that merely discussing bullet weights for a particular use is some discussion about what’s best for (apparently) banking steel at. 1k or trying to kill an elk across a canyon, when the previous comments were devoid of any long range, huge animal requirements, is the mystery. I mean, if you want to talk about those things, great.
ANY pointed .308 of almost any weight, designed for hunting medium game, has ENOUGH BC to work just fine to 300. If you just want argue with me about wind and 130s at 400? You didn’t know Barnes makes cup and core bullets, too? Did you just assume I’m promoting something I’m not? Just assuming that talking about one thing means someone doesn’t know about another is a bit cognitively limited. Specific applications, questions, discussions are just that. MPBR of itself, has nothing to do with how far you can shoot effectively or accurately, but some have been required to work out everything from 25m-1200m, with a 600m zero and crappy 308 loads.

OP CAN grab monos in 130-190, and kill deer just fine to whatever range their suited for in 308.....which is at least 300, for the worst of them. Some will be more emphatic inside 300, than others, because they’re made to be. Some are better past 400, because they’re made to be. All of them are probably overkill on deer, or at least no better than a cup and core.....but BC discussions are way down the priority list unless you’re looking at living past 300-400....instead of inside it.

All our banter aside, there’s only incomplete explanations here, I guess...I’ll try to go more in depth, but I usually don’t, as I don’t like to assume or insult others’ intelligence....but I don’t mind bantering with others over it, either. Even if you’re P.O. Ackley, everyone on a gun board knows more than you. wink

You could shoot any of them at that range, but optimum wound channel, blood trails, instant effect, etc (for deer, which mfgs consider on the lighter/smaller end of big game use) will come within the higher range of the velocity window for a mono bullet. This is also the case with a cup and core bullet, to a point. C&C bullets can have too much impact velocity to stay together, whereas monos are very hard to drive too fast.
....with your limitations being 300 or so, the 130s (and 150s) will be some serious medicine for deer. Not that the heavier, higher BC bullets won’t, but your launch/impact velocities under 300 are going to be a good bit slower in a 308, with really long bullets. If you were shooting stuff past 3-400, regularly, they’re gonna start outperforming the lighter bullets pretty quickly. Violence of expansion may be harder to come by with the heavies in the 308, but just depends on the bullet.....which is why it could get you more on deer by going to a accubond LR, Sierra PH tipped, ELDX, or even ELDM cup and core for a heavy/high BC bullet to use on deer at 0-300 (and way past), vs a mono. OTOH, they’re all gonna kill deer in a 308, period. It’s just up to how you want it done. I don’t feel much need to use monos in a 308 for deer around here. Any good 150-165 C&C at modest 308 speeds does it as good as anything else, from under the stand to medium range. ELD-Ms are surprisingly effective for a softer C&C intended as a match bullet, at 308 (and 6.5) velocities, which start out slower than your mag/3k FPS stuff, and they hold together for full penetration, but expand violently, too. I probably wouldn’t use them for Texas heart shots or shooting shoulders all the time, due to meet loss, but nothing moves much at all after. JME

I have some of the old Barnes TSX 150gr 30-30 bullets with a huge HP, and their BC is terrible.....but for a woods load, inside 200, at 30-30 through mild 308 velocities, they act like a lightning strike on stuff.....but so can plenty of C&C bullets, and they just aren’t ‘needed’ in a 30-30, much less a 308.....but they sure are fun. The old PMC Starfires were similar in 30-30: DRT violent.


Nobody tried to tell you anything about accuracy, or what else couldn’t work or couldn’t be used. If Barnes are ‘old technology’, then a 165gr Sierra PH is Stone Age. If a TTSX has bad BC for weight, a partition is a musket ball. Nobody is being ‘high brow’ or defensive, except you. If you can’t have a discussion based on facts, without making assumptions/assertions about others, or ignoring what is plainly written, and without moving your own goal posts around or contradicting yourself, it’s probably not the others who are giving bad advice. It’s his choice what to try. Nobody told him he couldn’t or even shouldn’t try anything (except maybe you). It’s been accurately explained as to differences, how, why, expectations, etc. There are hundreds of good deer bullets in .308, of various weights. There’s pros and cons to all of them. Most here are offering solutions. Maybe you’ll offer up one, eventually.

Maybe you wanna revisit ‘fact’ vs ‘opinion’ again.

...,and (at the very least) read what the OP wanted/was interested in using. He deserves that much.

Last edited by ALMODUX; 06/22/20 02:22 PM.