Originally Posted by TreeBender
So fur, that’s only 1/2 of the cow? I guess I didn’t realized how
Much meat that actually was

I kept a whole one, but that's not a whole beef in that freezer. It wouldn't all fit. There's around 175 lbs of burger in a freezer in my moms canning kitchen at the barn, and at least 40 steaks in their freezer in their house. Also, if these steers hadn't been as big as they were, it wouldn't have been that much meat. The hanging weight of the 2 carcasses was 980 and 1040 lbs. That's just meat and bone. I'll never do any more that big. It's just how it worked out this time. I had to buy these steers and since I was doing grass fed/grass finished I had specific steers in mind. I have a customer that runs around 3500 head of calves in their feedlot. I told them I wanted 2, Black 1000 lb steers that had never had any feed. That's not easy to find, but they did find me 2. One was a purebred Angus and was a much better steer than the other one. Since I sold one and kept one, klay and dquick got the best one of the two. When I was a kid we showed steers, and I've been around cattle all my life. That steer that they got is the best looking animal I've ever seen. I sure did want to keep him and my son who finished 2nd in the state at livestock judging in 2017 told me I was crazy for not keeping it, but I explained to him why them getting it, instead of us keeping it was the right thing to do. So not only did we get a freezer full of meat, I got to teach my son a good life lesson as well. LOL

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14