Originally Posted by mike35549
Originally Posted by bill
[quote=mike35549]Why not just put a mask on for one minute while you are ordering? Then take it off when you get to your table. I am just curious as to the reasoning.

I was just curious why folks was so hell bent on not wearing one. I do have a question if you were going to visit a family member that had let’s say diabetes would you wear a mask for the visit.

I am diabetic, wear a mask if required by job, only get take out, try to social distance.Just got back from my mom's, she is 85 and bed ridden. I did not wear a mask, that's the way its been since this started. Every day there is a sitter that comes, 3 x a week a bather visits, visiting nurses come by, children, inlaws, grandkids, great grandkids, brothers, sisters, etc etc. Yes, we take some precaution by washing hands, cleaning a little extra, and some wear mask. My point is we can't stop caring for her because we may be afraid, she does not want us to stay away. Don't be afraid to live today, you are not guaranteed tomorrow.