Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Pretty sure Floyd died more from the attitude shared by most here,that he was a worthless POS than anything else. Ya'll can justify whatever you want and keep on the way you think because it's basically a waste of time for anyone to try to tell you anything. In simple terms your mind is made up the way you like it.

I have not seen where anyone justified anything. What is it you are trying to tell people? My mind has not been made up on anything from day 1 on this deal, mainly because we didnt have enough information to make up our minds. Lots on here called the police man a murderer on day 1. Most everyone feels that GF acted inappropriately as did the officer when he knelt on his neck or head. So both acted innapropriately but there is no evidence in anything we have seen that suggests what you have stated which is that the officer choked GF to death.