We planted oats, rye, and wheat in strips in our plots about 10 years ago. The deer ate the oats then rye and not as much of the wheat. I'll still use wheat some if I need to plant 20 acres at once due to cost but otherwise I mostly use oats. (we call winter oats Bob oats). So, I just ask for Bob oats and don't put much thought in but I guess a guy could use Jerry oats if you are far enough south.

Really, what I like to do is plant soy beans or cow peas in late spring and then when they start turning yellow and losing some leaves just overseed them with red clover and oats. White clover would work too but If I'm only going to disc them up the following year that would be too pricey.

I've also.done it with wheat but I just like the protein content and the forage preference of the oats better.

Just remember, Bob is winter, Jerry is summer