Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by hawndog
I have been adjusting my technique over the last several years. I have always been one to disk thoroughly. I would make pass after pass until there was no grass left and it was as even as a flower garden. Put out seed and fertilizer then cover. Then I discovered glyphosate. I still did the same thing, but it cut down dramatically on the time spent disking.
last year I tool it a step further. I sprayed with gly. I had it very dead. Then put the seed and fertilizer down before disking. Then it only took one or sometimes two passes with the disk and I was done. They came up great and It saved me countless hours on the tractor, and save lots of money in diesel fuel and wear on equipment. I will be doing the same this year.

Thats awesome!.....Continue to test out the idea of doing less and less in the future even if just on a small test areas and see how things work out. I think you'll find that over time you can get by with a lot less than you imagined. The book I refer to a lot.... One Straw Revolution....is based on just that idea. The farmer in the book started looking at his methods from the perspective of "what do I not need" rather than continuing to add step after step to the process. Over time I think you'll whittle your planting process down to something very simplistic. I've said this in other posts but with the right timing and species composition from the summer vegetation.....one step I think you'll find it very easy to remove is spraying.

I may be stepping in it with this question. But how do I eliminate spraying without going back to lot’s of disking?