I’m honestly having a hard time trying to figure out the point you’re trying to make……Quit bogarting that chit man……Puff, puff, pass……

But to try and address some of things you’re saying…..I consider success as accomplishing the same or better results by using a third of the inputs in the form of time, labor, and cost……I consider success being the much more efficient use of the synthetic fertilizers I apply instead of soil erosion taking much of it to the ditch…..I consider success growing my soil holding capacity for water and nutrients and not having them leach away as fast as I can ass them…….I consider success being a much more resilient and productive stand of vegetation able to withstand “stress”…..I consider success being seedlings that jump out the ground with vigor………I consider success being able to go fertilizer free……..I consider success as having my planting be as simplistic as broadcasting seed and walking away…..

Furthermore……lets separate this out in the fall and summer plots when you want to talk about growing “weeds”…..I grow “weeds” in the summer and cereal grains in the winter….However, a diverse stand of summer native vegetation can pretty much be seen as one entity. The individual plants work together with one another to form the bigger ecosystem. In a healthy soil environment, they’re attached to one another through mycorrhizal fungi connections. So one plant is not robbing the other one of moisture and nutrients…..they are all helping each other by preforming an individual function that helps the “whole”…..This is nature’s way.

Last edited by CNC; 08/19/20 04:41 PM.

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