Originally Posted by Goatkiller
However, all this nonsense about letting weeds grow is useless dribble. It's ok. Nobody is making anyone plant summer plots and if you want to think that letting weeds grow all summer improves the actual nutrients in your soil then we will never agree on that. Weeds rob nutrients from desirable plants.

Alright, so let break your last post down into a few separate answers so that some things I say aren't conveniently skipped over like you’re conveniently doing with the picture of my topsoil…..Lets start with the section on “weeds”…….

When the white man came to North America we found some of the richest soil the world has ever seen in the midwest that was all created by nature. Sure a lot of it had to do with glaciers receding, etc…..but afterwards the soil fertility was managed and maintained for centuries by “weeds”…..was it not? It also produced one of the most vibrant ecosystems full of wildlife that has ever been written about. If “weeds” suck the life out of the soil like you describe then how was all that possible for so long without man there to do it “the right way”? How come it wasn’t just a barren desert void of nutrients when we found it?

Originally Posted by Goatkiller
I broke a piece of fallow ground that I have probably been cutting once a Summer for years. Maybe 10-15 years. .

I'd say there's probably a start for part of your answer ^^^^^^

Originally Posted by Goatkiller

Reconcile that with your summer weed field BS. There was so much thatch built up on it my disk nearly got clogged with big balls of grass.

......and I'd say this part probably has to do with your field trying to replace the carbon you were burning up with the plowing and the build-up likely due to your lack of understanding of C:N ratios and having a balance of carbon to nitrogen.....Hang on though....here I go getting ahead of myself.....just go back to the Great Plains analogy and answer that one first and then we'll move on....my bad.

Last edited by CNC; 08/20/20 09:30 AM.

We dont rent pigs