Originally Posted by Dkhargroves
Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Originally Posted by CatHeadBiscuit
Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Defund the police. SOB's way too trigger happy,always have been.

You are stupid sir. When you’ve got multiple cops up in your business it’s too late to be a badazz. They ain’t there to play games. Ignoring their instructions while walking around the front of the car, strike one. Avoiding the cop reaching to stop you from opening the door, strike two. Reaching into your minivan to retrieve anything is a furtive move putting everybody in danger, strike three. As always, judged by 12 is better than carried by 6.

I know how to say yes Sir and No Sir to a cop. Don't mean though that I need shot cause I don't want to obey whatever BS they are enforcing.

Wait.... I thought you were kidding with your defund the police statement?

Same here. I know we have a few libs on here but actually surprised some actually support defunding. Wow.