I have often wondered why if the police have guns drawn on you and ask to see your hands why you would not immediately stop or even attempt to reach for anything no matter what it is. I dont even take my hands off the steering wheel when I get pulled over because there is a gun in every compartment of my truck and the first thing they ask about is weapons. I tell them where my paper work is and that a pistol is laying with it ask them to open the door so i can step out and they can reach in to get it
No need to wonder. The reason is that you are smart, with good intentions and they are dumb with often times bad intentions. Obey the requests of the LEOs and do what you are told and stuff like this doesnt happen. Like others have said, if you have a disagreement with the cops, get a lawyer and settle it that way. Cops are on edge because so many have been assaulted and killed. I'd be the same way, and quick on the draw, if I felt the situation was escalating. No way I'd be a cop in today's society.