Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Originally Posted by Tigger85
RH CLark why don't you go ride with some police one night if it's so easy? See how many tickets they write. How about the North or West precinct of Birmingham? The guy did get shot because he didn't comply and probably reached for a gun inside the car but we don't know as I just jumped to a conclusion just like you. Speeding through neighborhoods is dangerous to kids, joggers and bicyclists. Don't like the way Police treat you, get a lawyer. Live to see another day.

You pretty much don't know what I think without being able to sit down to a more in depth conversation than we can have with a few one liners on this talk forum. One thing I am very concerned about is the us against them mentality of just about everyone these days. The prevalent attitude is ,if you have a different thought than I do,you're stupid and I don't want to listen to your ideas.

If I say defund the cops,that doesn't have to mean I'm for lawlessness and chaos. It might mean that if things were redirected less money could do more good. Take for instance the example if not issuing traffic tickets any more. You can generate the same revenue with camera's and mailed tickets without the confrontational dangers. There will always be a need for enforcers to handle the extreme violators,but isn't the FBI sort of doing that anyway?

I mean honestly,is the answer to our lawlessness problems,even more armed enforcers on the street? It's getting more and more common to see citizens shot just for running away. Then we hear," Well he shouldn't have ran, he might have killed somebody trying to get away like that." and that's the justification in average Joe's mindset. What I'm saying is I don't like the trend of how we are thinking.Part of it comes from frustration of not having a good answer,but we will never get those answers if we have closed minds to any alternatives.

Ummmm, not sure the police are supposed to be there to raise revenue? But, back to the discussion.

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