Billy club to the knee woulda ended it quick...... oh wait, that’s right the courts took Billy Clubs away because they weren’t “fair” to criminals. Paw Paw Troy woulda hit ‘em in the face with the butt of a 12ga pump, non-lethal poetry in motion!
I don't understand why 3 full grown men cannot just tackle or taze one uncooperative man, or yes - crack him in the head or legs with
a billy club to subdue the man. They followed him like a bunch of sissies afraid to tackle or touch the ghetto trouble maker.
Police need to be trained to use their night sticks first, tazer second and to shoot people only in the leg - if they are unarmed.
And yes, it looked like he was going to get a weapon out of his car - but he should have been tackled or head/leg cracked before that, imo.