and BTW they had their guns drawn on him because he had just pulled a gun on someone inside business and pointed it at everyone in the place thru the window as he walked to his car he was considered an armed and dangerous suspect you dont get into a fist fight when the other guy has a gun.
That’s an interesting twist to the narrative that the news isn’t reporting. Guess it doesn’t fit their agenda.
“ The shooting in Kenosha, a city located between Milwaukee and Chicago, occurred after 5 p.m. Sunday, when officers responded to a domestic incident, police said. Witnesses told the Kenosha News that Blake was trying to break up a fight and that police first attempted to stun him with a Taser.”
This is how it’s being reported ..... ^^^^
We’re not dead. We just smell that way. Dayum. - AC870
Yessir! I’m always gonna shoot what makes me happy and I want everyone else to do the same! If you shoot one be proud of it and don’t worry what anyone else thinks. - SJ22