So, I've tried to research this as much as possible from multiple sources, and I've concluded the following.......please correct me if I'm wrong on any/all points...

- police are called because suspect is "waving a knife" around in a gas station
- while en-route they learn it's someone with a "history with police"
- they learn he has outstanding warrants for violent crime (I think it was sexual assault?)
- they attempt to tackle/subdue him and are unable to do so
- they taser him, but it doesn't work
- he goes to his car to reach in for *something* despite being told repeatedly to NOT do that
- officers finally open fire on him

And this is what is leading to riots for "police abuse"??

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft