Originally Posted by stl32
Originally Posted by bwhunter
Originally Posted by stl32
I follow on FB as well, he dang sure can grow some monsters. No question he is doing something right. My question is with those bean fields, maybe the deer density is not very high. Also he is strange on FB, if you post any questions or point out questions he is quick to delete commits.

I used to follow on Facebook. I do a lot of prescribed burning every year, throughout the year. I mentioned something about growing season burns in the comments to reduce hardwood competition and after a few people liked my comment he deleted everything?? It was like he thought I was questioning his knowledge but I was just trying to be part of the conversation. I didn't like that and I haven't followed him for several years now. Even when people ask good questions he would sometimes delete comments. That didn't make any sense to me. He will also bash other biologist on his page.

Also mentioned above, he used to do a lot of seminars across the southeast but stopped that years ago. He was also involved in the QDMA but distanced himself from them as well.

I think he really knows his deer management. He and his sons are really good at what they do. They also make their own deer mineral. I've purchased some from him and picked up at his house. They seem like good people but I just didn't care for his attitude so I don't keep up with his work any more.

That is exactly what I am talking about, he posted a pic a while back and I committed and asked a question, he answered then a few other people chimed in and it was all very positive and a lot of real world knowledge was shared, it really helped out, then about half hour later he deleted everything. I questioned why he did that and I got deleted again. About a year or so ago a similar thing happened, he posted a pic of a long clover patch that was fairly narrow, I asked if it was a north south or east west, bc I had better luck with clover lasting through the hot summer with a north south, He deleted it and then sent me a pissy PM telling me he doesn't put up with people questioning him. I was like WTF it was a simple question.

I think the guy has a chit ton of knowledge in his head, he just has a major character flaw, almost like a complex about not fitting in. I am just the type of person that questions everything.

That’s why I don’t follow him anymore either. I’ve never questioned his methods but I’ve chimed in to back what he was saying when others questioned or disagreed with him and got the same response. He definitely can not handle being questioned or any negative feedback.

"You cant manage a deer herd with acorns."

-Dr. Craig Harper