I'm not saying this to bash on him.....I'm just talking nothing but pychology here......It sounds to me as if he has his self-worth cometely wrapped around being the greatest deer manager....all of it....his ideas....his image......that is the thing in life that fills up that pychological need that is within all of us. It's technically called "the need to feel important" .....but to me it's more like the need to feel like your life has value.... We're talking about some evolutionary stuff engrained min our brain...not some choice we make...It manifests itself differently in each one of us and people also have different ways in how they respond both early in life and later when more wisdom had been aquired. If you look around at the people you know we'll....you'll likely be able to pick out that "thing" that fulfills that desire fornself worth in each person. You'll start to notice it here on the forum and in you everyday dealings with folks as well....Just keep in mind it can be a lot of things.....My wife's "thing" is being a good mother

Now, that being said....if you take that "thing" that's .giving them the feeling of worth and tear it down in any way..... especially in front of others....then you're actually triggering some pretty deep internal struggle for that person. Like I said before.....all people handle it in different ways but it shatters the world for some. One of my closest family will nut up at the drop of hat if you mess with his "thing" of being a big buck killer. Most all of us let that feeling of worth about the "thing" hinge on other people's opinion of it. We need them to give its value. That can shape someone's world if they always derive it from others. Im not even sure exactly when it happened or what events changed it for me.....but I feel like a dump truck was lifted off my mind and emotions when I moved past all of that mentally. For awhile inguess you could say I derived it from my own opinion of my worth.....but now I don't even care anymore.....being somebody or nobody.....how much I know or don't know you know lol lol!......somebody else can decide and burden themselves with that struggle...I'll be a happy weirdo that more than happy to be just CnC

Now I'm not saying it is or isn't ...but it sounds a lot like the answer the questions y'all are wondering about why he acts like this or that.

Edit:.....Just how you can tear that thing down and shatter someone's world.....you can recognize it and build it up.... praise it in front of others and have that person be vulnerable to manipulation of it's done sincerely and not seen as a ploy..... but don't be messing with peoplez minds....it's not nice.....Try just recognizing it and then then ask them a question related to it when see them....Ask my wife how the kids are doing?

Last edited by CNC; 09/01/20 11:25 AM.

We dont rent pigs