Ha! ......Like I said that may or may not....it has the characteristics so I used it to help explain a few pychological priciples that I hope others might benefit from. I guess it was probably learning about it that made me recognize in my own self. It's something we all deal with in some way. Learning that it's your brain messing with you and how it works helps you come to grips internally and realize that it's only holding you back from being able to truly enjoy life..... Your digging for fools gold anyways. Just take this guy's situation and let's hypothetically say I'm correct....So if thats what drives his desire for self worth then let's go ahead and say that it's just been announced that MB was just named best deer manager in the world at the deer convention!!!...Boy he'll feel like he's on top of the world....He'll head home and by the next morning his emotions are back to normal and he grabs his keys to the same truck....walks out the same door....down the same driveway.....to another property no different than before....There no tour bus full of strippers and blow waiting on you to rock out with your rooster out for the rest of your days......

What I'm getting at is .....the whole idea and attempt to "be somebody" is overrated and burdenous journey full of mental anguish and virtually no real phycological reward. So this guy thinks I'm great and that one thinks I suck....neither one is doing me good to anguish over or lust over....Your no different either way and if you feel good about your self worth then go enjoy just being a deer manager or whatever. Teeny years from now every will probably be planting their plots using no till methods and my name will not even be a foot note.....and I think that's actually how I'd rather it be now.

One last thing.....this is also deeply rooted in why so many guys want to kill a big buck.....It's not the hunt or the deer itself really....It's showing it to their buddies and getting the reward of self worth that they're really after. Yeahhhh....."I'm a big buck killer now!!".........What does that get you? In reality nothing but came at a high cost on your ability to just go and enjoy hunting.

Last edited by CNC; 09/01/20 05:21 PM.

We dont rent pigs