Originally Posted by hallb
Originally Posted by Frankie

One I got now is a live wire , gonna be a hand full and loves women. He's 3 months and already stalking stuff . He'll get his toys in a pile and kill them or hump them . He fetches good but don't want to give up the toy good yet.

Be damn glad when I break him from biting . Sharp teeth is killing me . You let him he'll bite a little and look at you then he'll clamp down . May have to introduce him to a fly flap on that one but he is getting better

I know it sounds crazy, but I have a Feist that was a biter like that as a puppy. Found online where someone said that if they didn't socialize long enough with their sibling pups, they may not know what they are doing is wrong. To fix it, you need to do what the other pups or mom would do if they bit them - squeal loud or make a real quick high pitch sound and pull back acting like it hurt. I started doing this and it's crazy but it worked, the first couple of times she would jump back acting surprised and just look at me. Didn't take long before she realized it was her biting that did it and stopped.

I'm trying that now he's getting better . What I hate is when he sneak up on my bare feet and nails my toes . He'll grow out of it . He's a smart one and don't mis nothing