Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by eclipse829
May be a great time to get in the processing business if you're willing to stand your ground and do it by the books. It's simple really.

Truck pulls up to drop off:

Processor: Hey bud how y'all doing?

Old boy: good u?

Processor: Good.. .That's a nice fat nanny you got there in the bed of that truck.

Old boy: Yep

P: Got your papers?

OB: yup

P: Alright then, how you want her cut up?


P: Got your papers?

OB: Nope screw chuckie

P: Well bring her back when you get your paperwork. We'd love to cut her up for you.


This is why people say the things about you that they do. And no, im not trying to fit in with anybody. These are the types of statements that lead people to believe you are a liberal or democrat. If you dont get it, theres something wrong with you. Ive yet to see any place you would stand up or draw the line. Its always just "do what they tell you to". Thats just not the cloth Americans are cut from. Never has been. This is a country formed out of rebellion.

I keep hearing folks say "let's just go to tags". That's where I'll stand up. I dont like tags. 1st you get 3, then 2, then 1, then you go to a draw system. That's Bullshucks.

Let me be clear. I dont like gamecheck. But, it's here so, I use it because I'm not an outlaw. I don't like this new system. But, its here, so I will comply until it changes. Because I'm not an outlaw.

I hunt my own private acreage. Just my son and I. We could kill all the deer we wanted to without game checking them and if we wanted to process them ourselves and we'd probably get away with it. But we don't. We lease property in Kentucky. We follow their 1 buck rule too. But we bitch about it because we'd like to kill more.

If there is an opportunity to vote against gamecheck and this new reg, point me to the ballot box.

I've said it on here before. I like to stand up for small business like the processor. He's been dealt a shucks hand with this new deal for sure. It would be easy for me to say " hell with it, I'll do my own" and let the processor fight the battle without the resources my $'s provide. Or I can continue to support him and hopefully he and others can take those resources and fight it. They can't fight it with empty coolers.