I'm sure some of you fellers follow a low carb lifestyle. What are some tips and tricks and maybe some meals y'all enjoy?

I went to the dr for my yearly checkup and my a1c crept up to 6.0 and has me in that pre diabetic range. Doc wants me to watch my carb intake for 3 months then recheck.

I'm currently on 20-30 net carbs per meal which isn't terrible but definitely a lot lower than what my normal intake was . The first thing I did was cut out all sugary drinks and sweets. Then checking every package label and searching whats not labeled. In 10 days I'm anywhere between 25-75 for a given day. It just seems like anything I pick up is loaded with carbs and I've tried some KETO snack at work and everyone I tried is absolutely terrible.

He was also telling me some people have had success maintaining their A1C by doing an intermittent fast that allows you an 8hr window to eat as you normally would for say 11am-7pm and then fast the other 16 hrs. I know that option still required some portion control.

He said if this doesn't work out for me the he recommends me being put on metformin. Any experiences with that?