Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by Bustinbeards
Originally Posted by TickaTicka
It's amazing in 2020 that people still believe that dietary cholesterol raises serum cholesterol.

Why are you surprised? People can’t figure out how to eat healthy, is what it is dumbfounding. (Not talking about the op) but It’s not rocket surgery. It’s usually just following basic nutrition and eating in moderation. The body is extremely efficient and is built for times of feast and to endure famine, today much of society has never seen a lack of food much less famine.

And "healthy" foods shouldn't cost you double (or sometimes more) than regular foods imo.

They don't. They only seem to if you buy into the packaging. Shop the produce section. Buy produce by the pound rather than pre packaged with a money making KETO label. I can go to the dollar store and buy 6 ounces of 100% coconut oil for $1. The same 100% coconut oil packaged as MCT KETO costs about 6 times as much in the diet -organic section at Walmart. Pre packaged Broccoli florets cost nearly twice what they cost by the pound if I bag them myself. I could eat healthy for a week on less than $10 or about what one fast food meal costs. I could get enough rice,black beans,tuna,eggs and cabbage for a week of eating for around $10.