Originally Posted by cartervj
Originally Posted by TickaTicka
It's amazing in 2020 that people still believe that dietary cholesterol raises serum cholesterol.

Feel free to explain it then. It is a forum where discussions are had.

About 20% of your cholesterol comes from your diet, the other 80% is made by the liver and intestines. Genetics play heavily on your cholesterol numbers. I think Ticka's point is many people have a misconception that diet has a larger contribution to the cholesterol numbers. If that were true compliant patient would not have the need for statins or other cholesterol medications. Your primary physician and/or cardiologist will still recommend a healthy diet and exercise to achieve or maintain a healthy body weight plus other metabolic benefits.

Source.......... Work for cardiologists for the last 18 years in the cath lab and office.

If you are interested in the biological processes behind cholesterol production, a quick google search will quench your thirst, just pick reliable sources.
